May is a time of change …
… also in the EWTO, and one of the new features is that I want to give my team space to write their own regular editorials on this page!
Up to now I have always done things myself and written almost all the editorials, with a few exceptions when I have asked my grandmaster team of Giuseppe Schembri and Oliver König to contribute the odd guest editorial.
I have now charged my team with the task of writing editorials on a regular basis. These will no longer appear as guest editorials, but rather as independent editorials by the respective masters, and for immediate recognition there will always be a photo of the relevant master/grandmaster.
From next month editorials will be written alternately by GM Schembri, GM König and Master Groß.
My team now has several decades of experience, and it is high time that they regularly share their knowledge and know-how with the EWTO community. Each of them has his own specialised area, and all three have completed a course of academic study. I envisage that GM Schembri will shed light on classic WingTsun and discuss theory arising from the "Big Seven" capabilities, as well as the content of his new "Mindfulness" video.
GM König will e.g. cover the topics of "practical self-defence" and "WingTsun and self-defence on the ground", and DaiSifu Gross is anyway an all-rounder, one of his strengths being simple explanations of complicated aspects of WingTsun.
Naturally I will continue to write editorials as well, and there will be no set sequence.
My untiring efforts to improve the WingTsun of the EWTO as an inner style for the master grades, to conduct research into inner styles and their training methods for this purpose, to share the resulting findings with our advanced WT people and also write my books are consuming more and more of my time. But with the support of my team I will have more freedom to dedicate myself to this research and take the EWTO to new levels.
I am confident that in this way we can offer all readers of "WingTsun World online" greater variety, as we all have different areas of particular interest and individual points of view which will find expression.
Best regards from all of us at the training week in Majorca.
Your SiFu/SiGung
Keith R. Kernspecht