Naked chest

E-Mail exchange between Grandmaster Kernspecht and an Italian WT-er

1st email:

Hi Si-Fu,

I have often noticed you exhibiting your naked chest in WT World. No concern of mine of course, but I would quite like to know what you hope to achieve with this. I must say it doesn’t make a particularly professional impression on me personally. Despite this minor matter, I still firmly believe in the effectiveness of WT as a martial art. Perhaps you were just feeling a little hot that day.

Kind regards

M. R.

2nd email:

Caro M.,

You think I must be vain, and I have to say that you’re right! It is my main weakness, and one I have been working on unsuccessfully for many, many years.
But this is only part of the truth.

Each year, by means of such narcissistic photos, I try to motivate myself to train and exercise restraint in my eating habits. The sword of Damocles represented by my impending, annual "naked photos" always helps me to maintain self-discipline. This time I have even made a large series of completely new ("naked") photos for my classic work "On Single Combat", whose completely revised, 13th German edition is due to appear shortly.

But that’s enough advertising. Let me get to my third reason, which concerns you:
By setting an example, I want to give my overweight, weak-willed students moral support in getting into shape. The next summer on the beach will certainly come, and it is healthier to be slimmer! And if I can do it at the age of almost sixty, I am entitled to expect the same of students who are half my age! And now - if you don’t mind - please send me a photo of YOURSELF with a bare chest!

Best regards

Si-Fu (with a bare chest)

3rd email:

Hi Si-Fu,
Ok, now I know. Concerning a photo of my bare chest: I don’t think so, I can’t inflict that on people (at the moment anyway, I’m working on it). :-)

Kind regards

M. R. (without a bare chest)

4th email:

Hi M.,
See, now you know the main reason for YOURSELF why I am such an exhibitionist:
I do it to encourage YOU: 1.84 m, 75 kg live weight, pull-ups and dips with additional weights, bench-presses with 130 kg on the bar.

All the best

Your Si-Fu

P.S.: I find our exchange of emails amusing and would like to publish it, without giving your name of course.

5th and last email:

Hi Si-Fu,

This makes you 20 cm taller but 5 kg lighter than me. Well, as I said, I’m working on it.
Many thanks for your rapid answering emails. Publishing our correspondence anonymously is ok with me.

All the best
