Hitting the opponent without being hit oneself

It was time for the third Technician Week with Sifu Frank Schmalz at the WT Academy in Kiel. For four days we would be practicing the technician sections for all we were worth.

On the Monday morning we were all present and correct at nine (!) o’clock, though some had clearly not had enough sleep yet. Sifu Frank came in, welcomed everybody with a hearty “Morning“ and began with the first and second forms. We then practiced several Chum-Kiu applications together. Many aspects were an eye-opener for us, and the frequent, very detailed explanations immediately filled many of the participants with an enthusiasm that lasted the entire Technician Week.

After the Chum-Kiu applications we continued with stance training and footwork, which were also practiced assiduously on the following three days. This proved very necessary and helpful. Only too often we caught ourselves out with a lack of knee tension or an unstable stance.

Right from the first day the main emphasis was the Chi-Sao sections, which Sifu Frank went through with us in several stages. The long time we had available to practice was an advantage, as we were able to ask numerous questions and something like a drilled-in response began to establish itself.  

The next days were similarly structured, though with a number of variations in the programme. These included many aspects of BlitzDefence and e.g. focus-mitt exercises, which were well worth knowing and learning and could be put to use immediately. Some things were completely unknown to us, while we merely needed reminding of others to make it all work. As often as not, it was some small detail or other that made a significant change. 

On the Thursday those who wanted to and were ready had the opportunity to take the first part of their respective Technician examination with Sifu Frank. Even though he was very thorough, we felt well prepared owing to the training we had done during the previous days. Accordingly we survived this “official“ part of the proceedings fairly well.

Despite the very serious and concentrated training atmosphere, there was also room for fun. There was a good deal of friendly banter, so there was always something to laugh about. Training partners were exchanged frequently, and just about anybody could train with everybody else at least once. You don’t have to believe it, but everyone was motivated and wanted to learn and support the others. During the course of the week this produced a close-knit group with a very high training effect.

The participants were full of praise, particularly about Sifu Frank Schmalz and his uncanny way of finding just the right approach to each student, so that the learning effect began immediately. His uncomplicated and friendly manner helped greatly in this.

After four tiring days, around 20 hard-working WT-people were able to round off a highly successful Technician Week over a beer and a tasty evening meal at the nearby ”Legienhof“. Only then did we realise how quickly the time had passed. Now we have to wait another year, and I also look forward to seeing fellow-students there who are not from Kiel!

On the Friday we were treated to the next highlight, when GGM Kernspecht taught the Chi-Sao sections and examined candidates for the second part of the practical programmes. Obviously in a good mood, he pointed out that Chi-Sao is merely a means to an end and should not be confused with the end itself:

“The point is always to hit the opponent without being hit oneself.“


Text. Andreas Langosch and Christian Gembris